Here I am with my running partners at the finish line, pre-race!
DaNel, Kristi, Me and Lori - My running sisters!
Being able to run the Boston Marathon was a dream come true! Something I have always wanted to do and it definitely lived up to the hype! It was what I imagined and so much more! The process of taking it to the next level to reach this goal was so worth it! Because I had to run the race slow due to an injury, I didn't feel any of the normal marathon anxieties. I was able to just enjoy the thousands of people calling my name and cheering the entire 26.2 miles! I took in the full Boston experience which included the womens olympic trials the day before! It was an amazing experience I am so grateful I was able to have and especially to share with Lou. This will be a trip we will always remember.
Yes, and all the more sweet that I didn't qualify overnight:)
Even with an injury you ran it a lot faster than anyone else in the family could have!! Congrats on a great accomplishment, we are proud of you.
So proud of you that you have your blog up and running. Cant wait until the next post!
Thanks for sharing!! What an accomplishment! I LOVE your blog. Your header is awesome. We'll be checking back for more!
Love, Amber Parish
P.S. As your sister, I shouldn't need to post my last name...but since you have an Amber Buhrley in the family, I thought I'd better clarify!
YOU DID IT! The kids and I were so proud of you... Fasting works!
Yeah! I found your blog off of Julie's and I am so glad you are doing this. We live so close and yet I feel like we don't ever get to talk...so, this will be a great way to keep in touch. Check out my blog at forthygood.blogspot.com
Also, you are superwoman for being able to do the Boston Marathon! You inspire me Jolyn!!!
what a great goal to accomplish! I will start off slowby just going around the block! What an inspiration!
Wow! I am impressed. That is amazing, Joni! Way to go! Love your blog, by the way.
So proud of you! Way to go! Can't wait to keep in touch through the blogging world! It is so much fun to see what all the family is doing! Cute blog! You should have got your scrapbook by now! Let me know! You'll have to get on our blog and see the scrapbook I made for Emily. It's now on older posts, just keep scrolling down! Digital scrapbooking is definately the way to go! No Mess! I love it!
Hi :) We set our blog to private . Email your email to joslynmariegoodman@yahoo.com! love you guys. Hope everythings great. Miss you.
I didn't doubt you would make it even with an injury, you never quit, I'm afraid the Boton Marathon is out of my league. You are a little extreme, I don't know where you got it from, but I sure love you
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