Always fun, maybe because they are so familiar!
I so remember these parades!!
Being Siamese twins with my best friend Cindy,
that's one I can't forget!
It's really hard walking around in one huge pair of pants.
I think this is what really solidified our friendship.
Oh, and I must mention one of my sister Amber's parades.
She was a bunny.
Everyone loved her bunny teeth!
They looked so real!
uh...that's cuz they were.

I know this is going to sound really weird,
I love glitter.
Obviously, so do my girls.
But,I'm not kidding.
Opening the cabinet and seeing all the bright glitter,
it makes me happy.
I know!!! Random and I really,really shouldn't admit
that a silly thing like
bright, sparkle glitter can make me happy!
I wish we/I could get away with wearing glitter whenever we/I want.
(this realization came as I bought $30 dollars of glitter for Halloween.
BUT hey, it will last me forever. and. it makes me happy.)

have moved back to Boise!
We couldn't be happier.
It's so much fun having family close by,
and we adore their children.
Soon, I may just do an entire post about baby Lily!
So sad I don't have a picture of her, but I will!
Because we have adopted her as
OUR baby.
They too are noticing how much they look alike!
( I keep hearing them tell the other,
how freekin good looking they are. Because of course,
they are really just complimenting themselves!) :)
Here we Go...
Once Halloween is over, the holidays are upon us!
I have never been so excited for Thanksgiving!!
So, let me be the first to tell you all,