Saturday, June 13, 2009

Growing up...

It was so much fun to have Justin and Grace
in the same Pre-school class this year!
Every Tuesday I went with them on a "field trip".
Here are a few photos of our Tuesday fun through out the year.

The last day of school was a Luau...
and Justin's graduation!
Here comes Kindergarten!

Advancing to Kindergarten, also means...
the dreadful Kindergarten shots.
These pictures were taken after we got home.
I told them to look "sad" and this is what I got.
(doesn't look staged at all, does it!)
I wish I would have had the camera
at the Doctor's office.
I thought the nurse was going to bring everyone in
to see how Gracie was taking care of Justin.
She pulled up a stool right next to him
and held his hand while trying to comfort him.
Even more,
I wish I would have had a tape recorder
of the conversation between the two leaving the Doctor's office!
Justin kept telling Gracie over and over again,
when she gets her shots--
she is "going to cry to death,
just cry to death."
At first Gracie was being really brave,
This begin to slowly change with every
"cry to death."
Justin then says,
"Mom, I don't want to come
when Gracie gets her kindergarten shots.
Please mom, I'm not going to come."
This upset Gracie and I thought it was a little odd? Until he said,
" I just can't see it mom,
It is going to really, really hurt her!"
At this point Gracie is in tears imagining the pain she has to look forward to.
Justin comes up with a plan.
Gracie is not going to Kindergarten.
No Kindergarten,
No shots.
Oh, the perfect plan!
They now discuss the details--
Justin will go to school
and come home and teach Gracie!
They are both pleading for me to allow this to happen!
There are no more tears, no more anxiety--
just joy and relief that they have decided
Gracie will not be going to Kindergarten.
Later Justin comes to me-
very quietly and says,
"Mom, how am I going to do that?"
He has faced reality.
He knows Gracie is going to have to face the shots.
He is not telling her.
He is letting them both be in denial for another year.
side Gracie's bedtime prayer's just last night,
she said "thank you for me not going to Kindergarten."


Amber said...

That is a SO hilariously darling and funny. Reminds me just a bit of Nicki and Davin. When they were very young, they came up with a whole plan for their OWN school- with Nicki as the principal. They were going to throw candy out to the children instead of making them sit in a desk all day.

Their expressions are adorable. WOw. What great moments. They are so cute together!! It's so great that you've captured this precious stage on camera.

Meg said...

Oh I wish I was there to just snuggle them! That is the cutest thing yet! I love how much they love and look out for each other! I am SOOO glad you have kept this in writing.. too precious to be forgotten!

kristen said...

I think I'm in love with these babies of tender!!! I love that Justin is worried about how he's possibly going to teach Gracie all he knows. So darling!!! Plus, the CRYING TO DEATH is hilarious. We miss you guys.

marilyn said...

This is priceless that are so adorable I'm so glad you are writing and taking pictures it would be terrible to miss this moments, they will look back on these moments when they are teenagers and it will forever bond them together, can you imagine Justin watching out for Gracie when she starts dating, Love Love Love you and can't wait to see you

Jill Heaps said...

Seriously, do your kids ever stop getting cuter? This is so dang funny!!! I am sure that Gracie will decide to be brave and get her shots when she realizes it means going to the same school as JUSTIN!

wendy said...

Oh, that is hilarious! Those two!!!