Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer WORK and PLAY!

This year's planting was not the usual! Everyone helped with the veggie garden,
but Lou had another "vision".
This vision included raspberries-
many, many raspberries.
I came home one day to a driveway
of dirt and railroad ties.
The end result is quite amazing,
and well worth all of Lou's hard work...ha,ha
Especially, when we are all eating raspberries.
We eat them like candy around here!
Lou planted 70 raspberry starts.
I had to take "planting" pictures, because the
pic's won't be quite as exciting!
(if you look closely in one of the photo's,
you can see Lou's beautiful
raspberry patch behind us.
More pic's to follow!)
As I mentioned,
we had a LOT of dirt in our driveway--
(for a few weeks.)
The kids LOVED it..
I thought it was a mess-
a fun mess, but a mess.
As I was pulling out one day
and saw Justin and Grace in the dirt pile,
I said, " Oh, guys. I really don't want you in that!
You get your hands so dirty and it gets all in your hair.
This is really dirty dirt."
( not sure what I meant by that. Is some dirt not dirty?)
This picture shows what I came home to!
Their solution to dirty hands and hair.
By the look on my face, they knew I didn't buy it.
With some quick thinking....Justin very sweetly says,
"Mom, do you want to take a picture?
We look so cute!"
He knew if it was a picture moment,
I couldn't be mad.
One of my kids FAVORITE summer activities
is sleeping on the tramp.
These pictures were taken
the 1:30 a.m. sprinklers came on
and drenched them.


Amber said...

Wow, I am so impressed! Lou is amazing and so great to include the kids in the project. I want to eat raspberries with you guys!! You all look like you're having so much fun. How many teenage boys would take time to have a sleep over with their siblings??! McKay is awesome! Does Gracie wear her winter hat every day or just when it is really hot? =)

Love your family!!!

Meg said...

She wears her swimsuit and winter hat!!

Jolyn look at Grace and Justin's problem solving techniques!! PURE GENIUS! That is AMAZING that they came up with that!! I LOVED IT!

I can't wait till I get a sleepover on the tramp too!! My fav place to sleep.

Monica said...

That garden looks like it is going to be amazing! I love family projects, they are so rewarding knowing you did it as a team! Love their faces...working hard!
I remember the days when my kids would look forward to sleeping on the tramp and somehow they always made their way back inside in the middle of the night! I think they loved the idea of it more than actually doing it!
Such darling pictures---thanks for sharing!

Amber said...

I keep having to look close up at these pictures. They are so darling. There faces tell it all. Pure satisfaction. They will remember these raspberries FOREVER.

marilyn said...

How can one grandma have so many darling precious grandchildren, I love the pictures and you better watch out for Justin he is a little too smooth, he always knows just what to say to get out of anything, how could you ever get mad at him, I love how all the kids are having so much fun together and what a great dad working and teaching them, they will love eating the rasberries even more cause they helped, can't wait to get my hands on those kids. love you

The Buhrley Bunch said...

What a great time! I'm a little jealous that you have such a fun summer project to do together (a sprinkler system isn't bringing the same happy results in this family). We'd rather be eating raspberries! Kudos to you for making such fun family memories :)

{ mr and mrs jp } said...

Oh my gosh! YESS! how fun would that be the whole day to have you guys??! Call 801-375-9973 right now and make the appointment! I can start taking you guys at eight thirty a.m! I'm there til five that day! YAY! looove you!

Jill Heaps said...

How fun! I need your kids to plant a garden for us this year. It didn't quite happen for us. I remember having sprinklers come on when we were sleeping on our tramp! Love you Sis